Do I have Enough Attic Insulation?

Temperature regulation in the attic is among the hardest to maintain in your home. Usually, when your home is chilly and your attic is cold, you don’t have proper insulation. Heat is lost from upper floors in colder months if the insulation in the attic is insufficient. This increases both energy usage and your energy bills.

Attics are difficult to heat.

The U.S. Department of Energy indicates that most attics’ insulation is insufficient. According to recent findings, 90 percent of homes across the country are under-insulated. If your insulation is too thin, heat leakage occurs in the winter months, which is preventable. Average heating bill savings of ten to fifty percent are realized every winter season with a properly insulated attic.

Insulation is measured with an R-value, which gives us insulation thickness. R-values vary by climate, your home in Northeastern Ohio will require more insulation than homes in Texas or other hot climates. Another consideration is the age of your home, which also affects the R-value.

Northern homes should have an R-value of 49 (R-49), meaning attics should have at least 16 to 18 inches of insulation.

If your insulation is less than the recommended R-value, consider the addition of more insulation.

Optimal Energy Efficiency

For optimal energy efficiency, your home should be properly insulated from the roof down to its foundation.

  1. In unfinished attic spaces, insulate between and over the floor joists to seal off living spaces below. If the air distribution is in the attic space, then consider insulating the rafters to move the distribution into the conditioned space. Insulate the attic access door
  2. In finished attic rooms with or without dormers, insulate between the studs of “knee” walls, between the studs and rafters of the exterior walls and the roof, and ceilings with unconditioned spaces above.
  3. Extend insulation into joist space to reduce air flows.

A heat conductive and well-insulated house is an energy-efficient and ecological property. Legal regulations and people’s growing awareness have resulted in the need to reduce energy demand and related costs. An important element in the struggle against excessive use of energy in residential buildings and public utility facilities are certainly the insulation materials, adapted to function in specific conditions.

Reducing energy consumption can be achieved through effective thermal insulation of the entire home, but without the right materials this will be virtually impossible.

What are the best insulation methods?

Loose-fill insulation

Blown into your attic spaces, loose-fill insulation is small pieces of insulation. Layers are created to improve your attic’s retention of heat. Plus, loose fill fills in joints, gaps, corners, and other spaces that larger insulation sizes cannot reach.

Batts insulation

Standard joist spacing is designed for batts insulation. However, if there are any barriers or obstructions, pre cut batts insulation may not be able to be installed. Also, batts insulation does not provide any vapor barriers and does not insulate as well as loose fill.

Spray foam insulation

Although problematic and expensive, polyurethane foam insulates the attic well. If the spray foam were correctly installed, your attic would have zero heat loss. At the same time, tricky to install and the most expensive; an expert is needed to install the foam with a spray foam gun.

Insulation material types

Fiberglass insulation

Recycled sand or glass formed into a fiber is what makes up fiberglass. The creation of layers of insulation can reach an R-value of up to 70. Fitting easily into small spaces or unusual spaces because of its lightweight, which is an advantage.


Small pieces of recycled paper make up cellulose insulation. A large amount of dust is created, though cellulose is a strong insulator, professionals must use a wet-spray process to control it. Also, you may need to change it regularly due to the settling of the insulation or decay. Boric acid is used to treat the paper, so there is protection against insects.

Mineral Wool

Rock or other recycled materials from blast furnaces make up mineral wool (rock wool), which is a fire-resistant material. This is also an expensive alternative compared to other types of insulation that may provide the correct R-value.


Made from the natural fibers of recycled denim, cotton is also an expensive insulation option. Its soundproofing properties are well-known.

Can I DIY my attic insulation?

You can measure your current insulation and check how much insulation is recommended in your area. After that, however, insulation is a task best left to professionals.

Insulating your attic correctly requires complex machines to reach the nooks and crannies effectively, and you may need to be familiar with these tools to avoid using them.

Installing more insulation in your home increases the R-value and the resistance to heat flow. In general, increased insulation thickness will proportionally increase the R-value.

Each of these options has their own advantages, and one of our experts can help you choose the best option for you. Installed Services works with homeowners throughout Lake County, including Mentor, Eastlake, Willoughby, Willowick, Painesville, Wickliffe and beyond. Contact us today to get your home ready for winter weather.

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